The "rays of the sunlight" metaphor is used in the Hindu tradition by those who affirm God's attributes (saguṇa) and argue that the individual (jīva) has a real existence that is simultaneously and inconceivably both one with and different from God (acintya bhedābheda). I am addressing this issue in my dissertation, and if you know of a Muslim theological or mystical text which uses this metaphor please let me know!

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I feel like I've come across this metaphor a lot, but I can't recall any particular sources right now. I'll keep it in mind though. This might be helpful: <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZceV5nkO1E&list=PLhRQSPKdYTlUhMatShxnGLm_jRrnVbLKD&index=41>. In particular, have a look at the last interpretation of wahdat al-wujud and its relationship to Ali's statement that God is daakhil fil ashyaa laa bil mumaazaja.

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